Astrological interpretation

Astrological interpretation – a 7-day residential course

The purpose of this 7-day residential course is to teach how to interpret an astrological chart.

The course also includes some meditative practices and various elements of esoteric knowledge relating to astrology, but it does not include IST sessions.

It is designed for people who may have been interested in astrology until now but have never taken the step of systematically learning how to interpret an astrological chart. By the end of the course, participants should be able to take anyone's birth data and make sense of their astrological chart.

The Clairvision approach to astrology is based on transformation: astrology is seen as a tool for self-transformation. Reading a chart leads to many practical applications.

As part of the course, participants who so wish will have the opportunity to have their own chart interpreted.

Special emphasis is placed on a direct perception of planetary forces. This not only includes people but also plants and minerals – even music. A number of sessions will show how to tune in and gain discernment, an inner sense of what planetary forces feel like.

This course, which doesn't involve IST or many hours of daily meditation, has been designed as a celebration – a feast of knowledge with emphasis on fun. It is as close to a party as you will ever get in a Clairvision course.

Prior requirements: course participants must have completed at least an IST 101 course. Having completed some of the Knowledge Tracks is desirable but not completely indispensable.

It is recommended participants bring a laptop with wireless capability. This will give them access to an astrology program to perform all required calculations.

Part of attending the course will have to do with learning how to use the astrology program, which participants can keep using online after completing the course.

On registration, participants will be sent reading material to prepare themselves for chart interpretation, so as to maximize what they will get out of the course.