The Philosophical Region of the Purple Plains

KT Winds of Change

KT Winds of Change is a free online Knowledge Track which is comprised of talks about spirituality in general as well as some aspects of the Clairvision path.

It is designed as a complement to the other introductory material offered by the Clairvision School: Awakening the Third Eye and Meditation, Portal to Inner Worlds.

Knowledge Tracks are correspondence courses offered by the Clairvision School which deal with a variety of topics centered around inner vision, meditation, self-knowledge, and spirituality. Samuel Sagan structured the Knowledge Tracks as a feast of vision and meditative experiences. They are filled with talks, practicals and original musical compositions designed to induce states of consciousness. Find out more about the Knowledge Tracks here.

Talk 1: Contextualizing Vision

Duration: 42 minutes
Speaker: Samuel Sagan

Vision, as in Clairvision, is one of the core themes of the Clairvision work.

In this talk, Samuel Sagan discusses what is meant by 'vision' and why it occupies such a central role in the Clairvision work. He also draws parallels with concepts from other traditions such as nous of Ancient Greece and buddhi of the Indian sāṃkhya model.

Talks 2 and 3: Teacher vs. Guru

In the West, there has been since the 60's, a steady influx of streams of spirituality from the East, from Zen and Tibetan Buddhism to the various spiritual traditions of India. In the Teacher vs Guru series, Samuel Sagan draws on his personal experience as a translator for Indian and Tibetan teachers to illustrate some of the conceptual and cultural discrepancies often present when Westerners interact with Indian gurus.

The discussion ranges from Alexander the Great in Persia during 4th century BCE to stories of Indian and Tibetan gurus playing tricks on their disciples for purposes of deconstruction. Samuel examines some of the common misconceptions that Westerners have about spiritual teachers, and also lays the context for an alternative model for interacting with a spiritual teacher, one rooted in the Western tradition.

Teacher vs. Guru, Part 1

Duration: 29 minutes
Speaker: Samuel Sagan

Teacher vs. Guru, Part 2

Duration: 31 minutes
Speaker: Samuel Sagan

Talk 4: The Tenth Gate

Duration: 49 minutes
Speaker: Alice Whitley

The third eye is a universal concept seen in many traditions throughout the world.

While the physical organs of sense take you outward, the subtle organ of the third eye takes you into inner realms of consciousness.

The third eye work is a foundational part of the Clairvision work of inner alchemy and transformation.

Through a systematic cultivation of the third eye done through meditation and other practices, your third eye turns from an unshaped subtle substance to a fully functioning organ of perception.

This takes you from random flashes of intuition to being able to tap into flows of creativity and vision by simply being in the third eye.

Once you have the ability to "flex" the muscles of the third eye, spiritual realms open in front of you.

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