Entities, Parasites of the Body of Energy


By Samuel Sagan, M.D.

(Published in the US under the title: Entity Possession)

See also Entity FAQs.

Written by a medical doctor, Samuel Sagan, this book deals with possession and exorcism from a fresh, original perspective.

The style is direct and matter of fact. Although many of the recorded observations and case histories could have come from fiction thrillers, he deals with the subject rationally and with a sense of humour.

This fascinating exposé also includes many tips on how to deal with people reporting 'Entity' phenomena.

The following sections are excerpts from the book.

What are Entities?

"The term 'entity' refers to non-physical beings, presences which come to be attached to human beings and act as parasites, thereby creating various emotional, mental and physical problems ranging from eating disorders and uncontrollable emotions to the most severe diseases.

The topic is both old and new. Old, because in all traditions and folklores of the earth, one finds references to spirits and non-physical beings which can interfere with human beings. Thus Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is divided into eight sections, one of which is entirely devoted to the study of bhutas, or entities, their influence on health and sanity, and the ways one can get rid of them. This places bhuta-vidya, or 'science of entities', on the same level as surgery or gynaecology. If we look at traditional Chinese medicine, we find that in acupuncture, among the 361 points of the 14 main meridians, 17 have the word Kuei (disincarnate spirit) as part of their main or secondary name.

At the same time, in the western world, the topic of entities can be regarded as quite new, for it has very rarely been studied seriously. Even though entities appear to play a significant role in a number of mental and health disorders, minor and major, one does not find a systematic way of dealing with them in any of the main forms of therapy presently used. The number of qualified therapists capable of handling entities properly is negligible.

The purpose of this book is to present certain basic facts relating to entities and to analyse their mechanisms, motivations and functioning. Over the years, I have noted word for word what my clients have said when getting in touch with entities and exploring them. It should be emphasised that these clients comprised people of all ages, from teenage to late eighties, and with varied occupations, from housewives and students to politicians, prostitutes and Catholic nuns. Perhaps the only thing these people had in common was that none had the faintest knowledge of entities and their mechanisms. Moreover, I never told them at the beginning of the session that I considered they had an entity. I let them discover it for themselves through the IST technique (the main principles of which are outlined below). Yet when analysing the material contained in hundreds of case studies and related observations, a remarkably coherent pattern emerged as to what entities want, how they interfere with their hosts, and why and how they came to invade them. I was astonished at the precision, the richness of detail and the consistency with which clients described their entity.

More than anything else it is this pattern, or 'entity syndrome', that I wish to share with the reader.


Entities – the facts
Case Study 1.1
Aspect, location and size
Draining the client's life force
Case Study 1.2
Case Study 1.3
Food cravings
Case Study 1.4
Other cravings
Case Study 1.6
Case Study 1.7
Case Study 1.8

1. Entities – the Facts

"In the first two chapters, I will present the 'facts' -observations made by the clients themselves while discovering an entity through the Clairvision process, which is based on the IST technique.

Let us now go through the most common findings made by clients while discovering and exploring an entity with the Clairvision process.


In most cases, clients can feel a presence attached to them. In other words, they perceive an autonomous consciousness, added to their own and separate from it, and operating within or around them.

Most clients are unaware of that presence before undergoing the exploration process. However, once identified through IST, the presence often feels familiar to them. They suddenly realise that they already knew about it subconsciously.

A certain percentage of clients were consciously aware of the presence long before undergoing the IST process, but were unable to talk about it with friends or therapists, for fear of being regarded as insane, or just because it sounded peculiar and did not fit in with any of their usual mental concepts.


In almost all cases, clients perceive the presence as separate from themselves. They can feel their own presence plus another presence, which is attached to them but distinct from them. They describe it in the following terms: "something foreign", "it doesn't belong to me", "it isn't part of me", "it is a parasite", "it hasn't always been with me", "it was added", "it got attached to meat a particular moment in time" (even if that time was long ago), "it feels wrong", "it shouldn't be there".

Case study 1.1 Thirty-two year old woman, secretary.

What can you perceive? -It's red, it's angry. It's as if I've been taken over. It's something that I've been fighting all my life. It inspires hatred. It's madness, but not madness from the body. Maybe it's my dark side. But it does not feel like me.

When did you feel it for the first time? -Now, actually. But I have always known it was there. [The client is crying, with her fists clenched.] I feel that it could make me kill, and I mean it. It fills up my body with hatred, it's sheer destruction.

As we will see throughout this chapter, clients describe these foreign presences as having their own desires, emotions and thoughts. The presences are perceived as having an existence of their own, even though they interfere in many ways with the clients' psychology and vital functions.

Aspect, Location and Size

In most cases, clients come to identify a shape associated with the presence. These shapes vary from simple shadows to human shapes and a wide range of monstrous forms. Even though clients may not always verbalise it clearly, they do perceive the shape as the vehicle of the presence, just as our physical body can be regarded as the vehicle of our consciousness.

The shape is usually first identified in the IST state. Later on, during their daily activities, most clients can remain aware of the presence attached to them. When asked whether this shape was already attached to them before seeing it in IST, clients almost invariably answer "yes", but that they were unaware of it, or only aware of it subconsciously.

The identification of the shape is often gradual. For instance, in the beginning of the session the client may just see a blurry cloud, and only gradually perceive more and more details until the full shape is revealed. Once fully identified, the shape usually remains roughly the same throughout the exploration process, until the clearing. However, the size may vary slightly. In particular, certain emotions or foods tend to make the entity temporarily bigger.

In most cases, clients describe these forms as being inside their body or directly attached to it, for instance stuck to their back or sitting on top of their head. It follows that the shape/presence is located in one particular part of their body. The location most often identified by both men and women is the left iliac area. Women also frequently identify areas in and around the vagina, uterus and ovaries. The reasons why this may be so are discussed in Chapter 6. For the moment, let us focus on the facts as presented by the clients.

Entities can be located in virtually any body part, but the limbs come up quite rarely compared to the trunk and the head. An important finding is that entities do not seem to move around much in the client's body. Sometimes clients relate that 'the thing' moves within its own space slightly, but it is unusual for it to change body area altogether. Entities appear very fixed and stubborn, unwilling to let go of their position, and unresponsive to any attempt to dislodge them.

The size of entities, as described by clients, varies from half a centimetre to two metres. However, in the majority of cases, it is less than 50 centimetres.

Draining the client's life force

In nearly all cases, clients report that 'the thing' is draining them, tapping from their life force. This is quite a constant feature, as will be seen in examples throughout the book.

Case study 1.2 Forty-three year old woman, air hostess.

What does 'it' look like? -It's got legs with suckers at the end. The two front legs are around my neck. It's big. It covers my back, down to the middle of my back. It's grey. It feeds off the base of my brain. It takes life energy but not all the time, just sometimes, when it's hungry. When it sucks my energy, I get confused. It gives round and round thoughts, thoughts that do not make any sense. It bites my head and my head hurts.

Does it feel like a part of yourself or like something foreign?-No, it's foreign.

Case Study 1.3 Twenty-nine year old woman, housewife.

She suffered from fatigue without any reason, depression and lack of motivation. At the beginning of the IST session, the client perceived a shadow in her left iliac area.

Can any emotion be related to it? -It just feels dead. Cold. There's nothing really. It just likes to be left alone.

Why? -It likes the dark. Like in a cave. It likes to be still and to draw things into itself.

How big is it? -You mean that black thing... [The client indicates an area from mid-thigh to her breast, on the left side of her body.]

Have you seen it before? -No.

What does it want? -It just wants to be there. It takes little bits of my energy. It sucks energy all the time. Just little bits. Just what's necessary.

Could it be that there are some foods you eat that it enjoys?-Cheese. And tomatoes. Bread.

What happens to it when you have these foods? -It gets stronger. And my energy gets a bit weaker.

What emotions of yours does it enjoy? -Negativity. It's like a pattern of negativity. Empty life type of thing. Depression. It likes my husband. My husband feeds it. He makes it stronger.

Soon after identifying the presence, most clients tend to perceive it as being a parasite. In order to describe it, they use expressions such as: "It's draining me", "It lives on my energy", "It taps from my life force", "It's sucking my energy", "It takes my life (or my warmth)", "It feeds on me", "I'm its life-support system". They often relate the presence to symptoms of fatigue, emptiness, depression and lack of motivation.

Food cravings

In most cases, clients report that when they eat certain foods, the presence reacts. Moreover, the presence can create cravings or compulsive desires for these particular foods.

The substance that is mentioned by far the most often is sugar. When clients are asked, "Could it be that there are some foods that 'the thing' enjoys?", more than half of them immediately answer, "sugar", "sweets" or "chocolate".

Other foods often mentioned by clients are 'heavy foods', cakes and white bread (meaning yeast), fried foods and fats, cheese, and junk food in general. In other cases, meat and spicy or salty foods are preferred. It is not unusual for meat and spicy foods to be mentioned together. A pattern I have observed is that the entities which have cravings for meat are often more attracted to spices, wine and alcohol than to cakes and sweets, and are frequently associated with angry and aggressive tendencies.

Surprisingly, one vegetable is often reported by clients among the 'entity cravings' - tomatoes.

It should be stressed that as soon as the client has identified the presence during a session, he or she usually finds it very easy to answer the question: "Could it be that there are some foods you eat that it enjoys?" The client's response tends to indicate that food cravings are one of the most obvious features related to entities. Not all presences have food cravings, but most of them do; and when they do, the cravings seem quite easy to identify.

Case study 1.4 Thirty-seven year old woman, film maker.

What does it look like? -Like a stone, in my solar plexus.It's quite old. It's not giving, and quite unforgiving.

Could it be that there are some foods you eat that it enjoys?-It likes meat and hot foods, like red chillies, and red wine. It's all red: red wine, red meat, red chillies, red capsicums, tomatoes... how bizarre! It's very aggressive. It's got nasty teeth. It likes to be with me because I protect it. I make it comfortable and easy. It's like a sucker.

In dealing with an entity, the Clairvision approach consists of having one or more sessions devoted to identifying the presence. This is the first part of the process. Next, clients undergo a second phase, during which they watch this presence in their daily activities, in order to find out for themselves what interference in their behaviour may stem from it. During this observation phase which lasts two weeks or more, clients have the opportunity to study the mechanisms of the cravings. A common finding is that, when a craving arises, there seems to be an impulse coming from the presence. The craving starts in the presence and is insidiously communicated to the client. When clients are unaware and forget about the presence, the craving is perceived just like any craving of their own. However, if they remain vigilant and keep watching the presence, the same craving is seen coming straight from the presence. Clients often come to the conclusion that for years, the presence had been superimposing its own impulses upon their consciousness, even though they had been unaware of the mechanism until then.

Another important fact repeatedly reported by clients is that when they yield to a craving coming from the presence and eat the particular food, it seems to reinforce the presence. They all describe this effect in more or less the same terms: "The entity gets bigger" (or stronger), "It has more hold on me", "It can influence me more", "It gets out of control", and other similar phrases.

It must be emphasised that even if most entities generate cravings, there is absolutely no point in worrying whether you have an entity each time you have a craving! Just as a headache does not indicate a brain tumour, it would be absurd to consider that any symptom mentioned in this chapter may in itself indicate that you have an entity.

Other cravings

Apart from sugar and other foods, clients sometimes also report that the presence is responsible for other cravings: coffee, tobacco, alcohol and various other drugs. Only a small fraction of my entity-clients say that the presence craves alcohol or narcotic drugs. This maybe because most of the people I see are inclined towards self-transformation work and have chosen a healthier life-style than that of the average population. Experience has led me to believe that if the same process were to be conducted with a group of alcoholics and drug addicts, it would probably reveal a surprisingly high frequency of entities. Yet this is not to suggest that all addictions are due to entities! An attitude that blamed entities for all human troubles would be just as childish as one based on a complete denial of the experience.

Whether cravings have to do with food or toxic substances, the question that arises is, how do the cravings linked to the presence of an entity differ from usual ones? Entity cravings are often more compelling and rigidly imprinted than other ones. They may lead clients to make comments such as: "It doesn't feel like me", "It does not feel like my usual desires and cravings". Once clients have identified the presence, they can perceive the cravings as coming straight from it. After this identification, they can differentiate between cravings, desires and attractions coming from themselves, and others coming from the presence. This requires discernment and vigilance, for entities are clever at disguising their needs and remaining unnoticed, so that clients will interpret any cravings or desires as their own.

In many cases, the cravings linked to an entity disappear or at least significantly subside after the clearing process is carried out.

Entities crave emotional intensity

As we have seen, clients describe how their entity creates cravings for sugar, junk foods or toxic substances, and then thrives on the enjoyment that follows. Similarly, most clients relate that the entity is reinforced when they experience any form of sensual enjoyment, or harsh emotions such as anger, dismay, frustration, any form of emotional pain, melancholy, sadness and depression.

Case Study 1.6 Thirty-nine year old man, public servant.

-The bloody thing always wins. Either I have the cigarette and it thrives on the tobacco, or I don't and it thrives on my frustration!

Rather than the type of emotion, it is the emotion's intensity that seems to feed the entity. As far as sexual enjoyment is concerned, some entities appear to be especially attracted to sex, pushing the client to multiply experiences or partners. Others seem to be threatened by sexual intercourse and unable to cope with closeness and love. The general pattern is that entities seem to be more attracted to sex than to love, as was clearly expressed in case 1.5 involving the little red ape.

Case Study 1.7 Twenty-four year old woman, nurse.

What are you feeling? -I can feel something in my chest and in my abdomen. It looks like an old man, like a skeleton. I can feel his ribcage superimposed on mine. I can feel his hip bones as well.

What does it want? -I think it wants me to be his lover. It likes me because I'm young. It likes my strength and my energy. It tries to camouflage things. It tries to make me feel my body, particularly my hips. It makes me walk in a certain way, remembering my hips sexually.

What does it get out of it? -It gets the feeling of being alive. And it likes this weather [it's spring in Sydney] because it's more sensual. It makes me feel the weather. There is a certain man, where I work... the skeleton is trying to manipulate me to have sex with him. Whenever I speak to that man, it modifies my voice to make it more attractive. And then in the evening it sends erotic scenes of me and that man into my mind. It pushes me to that man. It wants me to be touched by him. If the skeleton could get me to have sex with that man, it would get a sort of thrill out of it. Also it would get more power over me. It has set its mind on it, so if it achieves it it's like reinforcing its ego. And it would gain power from the sexual energy. It wants vaginal and anal sex. It would give it the feeling of extending itself to all of my body. Before I had my first boyfriend, it was making me feel unsure of myself. It was making me remember my body. And then I felt guilty and that gave it power over me. When I was fifteen I had my first boyfriend. I can see the skeleton was already there when I was making love, enjoying it lots. I remember a night when I was five or six. I had a dream about destruction and I had an orgasm and I woke up. It was the skeleton that made me have an orgasm. The skeleton was lying on my body, and the dream was so powerful that the skeleton had an orgasm.

Case Study 1.8 Thirty-three year old woman, shopkeeper.

What does 'it' look like? -It has an amorphous shape, with extensions that end in sort of points. It's brownish dark. It goes from my hips to my shoulder, on my right side. It takes my life energy from there [indicating the area around her navel]. When I have fear, it can take more energy. The fear makes me weak, and it likes that. It makes it easier for it to grow strong. It wants to grow, until it can take me. If I had an accident, if I was dead, it could take over. It could control me, cause harm."

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© Samuel Sagan 1994, 2004