Track 1 3:16 |
Legend: Philadelphia
Date and location: Four years before the 5th battle of Mercury, TS5 Upon Titan
Characters: Penelope Heinzel (and the Saint Bernard choir)
Musical Image: Penelope is a student of TS5 academy (an underground colony buried in the depths of Titan, satellite of Saturn). She is being trained as a fighter pilot by the Order of the Knights. TS5 isn't just a top-level military school, it is also one of the high-standard science universities of the Outer Planets.
Some people have addictions; Penelope has a dog. A massive Saint Bernard that creates havoc wherever he goes.
The dog (called Sam) is generally out of control. But at times, he gets much worse than that. Penelope says it's because he's just a puppy – despite the fact that he weighs already more than 55 kilos.
Here we are seeing Penelope, helped by the members of her choir (i.e. combat unit), running through the corridors of TS5 military academy, trying to catch the dog.
Music by: Samuel Sagan