KT Foothills of the Great Mountain 1
KT Foothills of the Great Mountain 1 is the sixth Knowledge Track of the Vision Path. The Foothills of the Great Mountain is the next step in developing vision seeing, knowing, being. This KT gives theory and systematic steps of how to pierce through veils of appearances and know reality.
Prior requirements: Buzzing Forest 2
Cost: $125
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Part 1 – Getting on track
Part 1 of KT Foothills of the Great Mountain 1 contains the instructions for this KT.
Part 2 – Talks
Part 2 comprises eight talks, covering theory and practice:
- 2.1 Contextualizing Vision: a defining talk discussing the topic of vision and exploring concepts such as nous of ancient Greece and buddhi of the Indian tradition
- 2.2 Vision Mechanisms: discussing key mechanisms involved in vision, for example finding the part that already has vision and the concept that vision is not about visuals
- 2.3 Talking About Space: exploring what space means in both practice and theory in the Clairvision work
- 2.4 Seeingness: a discussion on the observer, the object and the fact of seeing
- 2.5 Peripherality as Preliminary to Vision: peripherality is essential for vision and can only happen outside of the ordinary mental consciousness
- 2.6 Dynamic Awareness Vision and Clear Modes: exploring the concept of dynamic awareness and creating clear modes for activities of life
- 2.7 Strategies to Not Look Like a Complete Idiot on a Vision Field Trip: a candid talk driving home the point of 'looking without looking'
- 2.8 One of the Keys to Vision Is to Have Things to See Part 1: learn strategies on how to implement vision in situations of daily life
Part 3 - Practicals
Part 3 comprises six audio practicals using the technique of candle gazing. These practicals will ignite powerful third eye forces and strengthen the muscle of seeingness.
Part 4 - Night practice
Part 4 comprises two night practices. The first night practice uses sound to take you into deep spaces of peripherality and vision. The second night practice focuses on visions of the body.