Legend: Atlantean Secrets
Epoch: Twilight of the Law (late Atlantis)
Date: Year 37 of Gervin's Grand Mastership
Character: Bobros the terrible
Musical Image: Aged 22, Bobros the giant wins all the contests of magic of the Guild of Nephilim Necromancers.
The scion of a prestigious lineage of necromancers, the blond giant is not just a huge chunk of muscle. He is superiorly intelligent. There is a disturbing glow in his eyes. His powers are immense. Soon, he will become the leader of the Guild.
In front of him, a huge black hole – the end of the kingdom of Atlantis, and the destruction of his race.
Bobros is resolute to fight to save his kind, even if it implies slaughtering all non-giants in the kingdom.
A born leader, he has the madness of the Nephilim giants, and the abilities of one of the greatest sorcerers of all times.
Tremble, kingdom! The giants are coming.
Music by: Samuel Sagan